Our Philosophy

At the beginning of the millennium Sri Chinmoy wrote:

"In the next millennium, the goal of philosophy will be only to see the light in oneself and the light in others, then only will you be able to expedite the arrival of world-peace and world-oneness."

Sri Chinmoy taught his students to live a healthy, wholesome life, combining personal spiritual growth with service to the community. This legacy continues today through students who studied directly with him and those who have embraced his philosophy since his passing.

"You and I create the world by the vibrations that we offer to it." –Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy believed every activity in life can become an opportunity for spiritual progress. He encouraged students to exercise daily, meditate, eat a vegetarian diet, and refrain from non-medicinal drug use. At Jyoti Bihanga, his students meditate at the beginning of each shift and aspire (nobody is perfect!) to maintain a joyful consciousness while serving delicious food.

"Peace will come about in the world through the perfection of individuals." –Sri Chinmoy

Sri Chinmoy emphasized the spiritual importance of happiness. To go beyond today's achievement and transcend one's capacity through love and service increases spiritual satisfaction in oneself and the world. This is the aspiration at Jyoti-Bihanga and all of the activities of the Sri Chinmoy Centre in San Diego.

The San Diego Sri Chinmoy Centre offers classes in meditation and the spiritual lifestyle for those seekers touched by the writings and philosophy of Sri Chinmoy. The Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team promotes races and athletic events worldwide, including here in San Diego.

Whether in meditation, art, sports, or at work, each person can offer their energy and effort as a prayer for peace and happiness in the world.

To find out more about our activities we invite you to visit our Events page.